Tarm: A post I'll label as positive for me! Thank you! I was starting to get a bit worried. :P
A lot of people spouting ignorance masquerading as old gamer wisdom. I can't comment on the campaign length, but even if it's not that long there's definite replay value as there are more secrets to find, powerups to apply, and more interesting ways of outright destroying your enemies. I'm definitely very positive about it so far.
Emob78: Well, they don't need to reinvent the wheel here. But there's a difference between tweaking the wheel and replacing the wheel with a bowl of mashed potatoes.
hyperagathon clearly hasn't played the game. It's still about shooting demons in corridors. It's just a lot better at it than any previous Doom.
Tarm: A post I'll label as positive for me! Thank you! I was starting to get a bit worried. :P
Oh and there's a pretty solid editor provided too. So expect a lot of user generated content. No doubt someone will port over Knee Deep in the Dead soon enough.