ChrisRevocateur: I'm dirt poor, and my friend is the one buying the new chip for me, and since $400 is out of either of our price ranges, he's getting me a used one that doesn't come with a heatsink. Yeah, I know, a used chip is kinda a bad idea, but I need the performance boost and can't afford it any other way.
So all I've got is the stock cooler that came with my original i3.
I don't think that a used chip is a bad idea per se. But it implies some risks as you never know what that chip went through in its previous life. For all you know, it could have been barely used, with little exposure to thermal stress, or used day and night under thermal stress.
Note however that a competent cooler is a way to protect and extend the life of the CPU. So, even a budget, a correct cooler with a good thermal paste makes sense. I would not use the stock cooler with an I7, because it comes with a very basic thermal paste and tends to get easily clogged by dust, so will, with time, loose its cooling perforamnce.
A Coolermaster Hyper 212, or an Artic Freezer 13 are dependable and reasonably priced, and more than enough for the I7 if there is no intention to overclock. For few bucks less, the hyper TX or the Artic 7 are also doing they job well. I personnaly favour the Arctic 13, because it is very easy to mount it in an alreday built system.