qwixter: For me, when I watched the show, I just rolled my eyes because it was clear that the show was just trying to one up itself in the depravity. What the author/director did to Sansa over the seasons culminated in the rape scene, and some fans basically said enough is enough. Get over your fetish with punishing Sansa, first Geoffrey and then Ramsey. That rape scene was saying to the fan base, "fuck the story, we're here to shock". So the reaction is more about saying enough already, than your cool SJW terminology. I know it's trendy to throw that SJW term around.
For the past year or so, I've been watch the show on HBOGO so that I can basically skip over most of the plot lines I don't care about. Because so much of the show is pointless. But I like the Imp and Jon Snow. The only two story lines I pay attention to at this point.
I've not watched episodes from season 6 yet, nor do I intend to do so, but I thought it started out good the first 2 seasons, and then it spiralled downwards and downwards, with increasingly more focus on SHOCK and character assassinations. Pretty sad to see what they have done to Sansa and Stannis (and many others). Several times they have portrayed genuine sex scenes as rape as well, which has led to outcries from the usual quarters.
It could have been such a marvellous series, but instead the writers decided to fuck the books, fuck the story, fuck the characters, and introduce more plot holes and irrational behaviour than you can swing a sword at. Watching the episodes became torture, with unhealthy amounts of eye-rolling, so I have jumped off, and am happier for it.
Since people still seem to watch it, it probably won't be mercy killed like Heroes was, but it probably should have been. I'd love to hear an honest piece about it by George RR Martin. Maybe we will get one when the whole thing has finally ended, and his own books have set things right (please don't die).