Posted December 28, 2020
TheTruthIsNearYou: The system wants you chained and blind, and is using various "entertainment" such as games, movies and tv series to do just that. They want you to become an obedient slave committed to making money in spiritual desolation.
Forsake such hell, and join God's Kingdom of love instead working for Him instead of money and become free and happy. Matthew 6
Leave everything behind and become free, Luke 14.
The future of money is the Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13, right hand or forehead. If anyone takes that mark they will go to the lake of fire, hell, without hope.
Farewell, I've done my duty. <3
Thanks for the warning, however, this is classed as spam so I will be locking this Forsake such hell, and join God's Kingdom of love instead working for Him instead of money and become free and happy. Matthew 6
Leave everything behind and become free, Luke 14.
The future of money is the Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13, right hand or forehead. If anyone takes that mark they will go to the lake of fire, hell, without hope.
Farewell, I've done my duty. <3
all the best