Ended up seeing this last week but couldn't get back to this thread until now. There are definitely a lot of strong opinions here (as well as all over the internet).
FOr me it was a fun 2 hours and it was nice seeing the old cast again. Even though I had heard something happened to Han, I didn't know what but when that scene began, I knew what would happen and I wasn't wrong. He didn't deserve that. SHould have been more heroic imo.
I can certainly see what the dislike is too. While I don't remember the old movies exactly scene for scene, even a peripheral SW fan like myself could see the similarities. One thing I don't want to ever see again is another "death star" type of weapon. Its too much. We killed a moon, we killed another moon, we now killed a planet, please stop it. Or at least make the failsafe point something different....well, thinking it over don't do that either. Just please no more death star destruction endings.
Looking forward to who Rei is and her relationship to Luke. I don't want her to be Han's kid because she found him and lost him already. If she does turn out to be Luke's, I don't think I like the concept of abandoning your child especially when you yourself were abandoned/orphaned before. You didn't like it so what makes you think your kid will like it. (I know someone in real life who was orphaned for an unknown reason and it really haunts them to this day). Have faith in yourself that you can keep her protected under your wing instead of a outlier planet far away where as it turns out she wasn't so safe after all.
THe Millenium Falcon scenes were easily my favorite. I got chills seeing that beautiful beautiful ship fly around. Would like to know how Han lost it though so maybe that will come up in the next movie.
I'd give it a 3 out of 5 with the potential to go to 4 out of 5 depending on how the next movies go.
Breja: SPOILER: Rey isn't nearly as hot as Leia was in the original trilogy.
Somebody already beat me to this but my first response was also to say we haven't seen Rei in a metal bikini and matching choker set yet :).