Ungunbu: but... are you serious...? i mean... i just asked a small loan of 1.5$... come on guys...
and -- btw -- i don't really feel the need to make people like me :)
PMing me "did not mean to take advantage of others generosity -- seriously" and then reading your further posts and then adding "yeah but it was just a joke because someone else said that thing before me" after I tried to explain what the possible misunderstandings might be due to language, culture, life experience says to me either:
1/ You truly don't understand, hence life needs to be your teacher in this case or
2/ As mentioned above, you're just being a troll and playing the same game I've seen many others play
Either way enjoy Inquisitor that you won earlier during my trivia game. I don't regret the gift but have learned my lesson regarding gifting anything to you in future. Honestly best of luck learning this lesson, as I learned it myself very harshly(ie not through a gaming community) and ended up seriously needing to re-evalute who I was, what path I was choosing in life and the harsh consequences of some naive and selfish actions.
It's all part of life and I've found that losing something or someone dear is the harshest teacher of "what could I do differently next time as this experience doesn't feel good and I've got no-one to turn to as I created it myself". Fortunately the universe/Wakan Tanka/God/random number patterns/[insert belief system here] is very forgiving when one actually learns whatever lessons have been causing one's hardship.