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Banned for rightly and wrongly tracking the crosses sideways.
Banned for crossing the sideway tracks in a neutral way, and reversing it to tracking the crosses sideways in the correctly incorrect manner of banning.
Banned for derailing trains.
Banned for noticing the derailed trains
Banned for doing the harlem shake after noticing the derailed trains.
Banned because I got the day off.
Banned because I didn't have the day off
Banned for using sexual techniques on a day, so as to get it off.
Banned for using techniques instead of just wham-bamming.
Banned because wham-bamming is also a technique.
Wham-banned for wham-bamming.
Banned for not thanking me man/ma'am.
Banned for minding your manners, but not your banners.
Banned for minding your banners, but not your manners.
Manned for binding your anners, but not your nanners.