If it is also important how well known the games, I'd go with this:
Myst Masterpiece Edition for $9.99: Alone on a mysterious island, you set out to explore its grandeur and mystery. Hear how a chilling tale of intrigue and treachery, defying all boundaries of space and time, is being told.
First Person Shooter:
Far Cry for $9.99: A tropical paradise seethes with hidden evil in Far Cry, a cunningly detailed action shooter that pushed the boundaries of combat to shocking new levels.
Flight Combat Sim:
IL-2: Sturmovik 1946 for $9.99: On June 22, 1941, Hitler's German forces attacked Russia's 2,000 mile-long home front and advanced on Moscow. The Russians put up a fierce resistance which finally ground the Nazi war machine to a halt. Vital to the resistance was the Ilyushin Sturmovik, the IL-2. It was an anti-tank aircraft hailed by the Russians. The Russians called it "the flying tank", the Germans called it "Black Death", and you will call it the most exciting and realistic combat flight experience you've ever had.
SimCity 2000 for $5.99: Now you can design any city you can imagine and SimCity 2000 will bring it, and its resident Sims, to life. It has all the features, flexibility, art, animation, and power you need to create an environment of your dreams.
The Bard's Tale for $9.99: You play as the titular Bard, a roguish, manipulative and lewd songster whose priorities in life are the acquisition of material wealth and carnal pleasures. The Bard's pretty sarcastic by nature, but you get to decide just how scathing he is by selecting 'Nice' or 'Sarky' responses.
The Settlers for $9.99: Food and building materials must be developed, for the productivity of future shipbuilders, foresters, brewers, and scouts depends on it. Construct gold, coal, iron, and granite mines. Cultivate the land, build farms, establish fisheries and hunting grounds, build up your stocks of animals and manage forests; the well-being of your subjects rests in your hands.
Total: $55.94