It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

The Wizardry 1 remake also has this issue.

Supposedly, 0.2.2 (or is it is available, but the offline installer is only at
Kenshi has been rolled back from 1.068 to 1.065 after a screw up in updating the game that happened somewhere on GOG's end:
Post edited April 07, 2024 by Lucian_Galca
SmollestLight: I have answered this thread in another one. But I will crosspost it here as well! :)

While all GOG GALAXY updates are applied automatically by the developers, some offline installers still require GOG's assistance. We may miss that a certain title's offline installers are not up to date on an occasion - it's something we're continuously working on improving so it doesn't happen in the future. Your reports are of great help to us and we greatly appreciate such support!

The airtable shows quite a lot of titles as outdated when they aren't. This can be caused due to a difference in patch names, or it shows a patch in GOG GALAXY but it's actually on the Beta Branch. Beta Branch patches for example won't be released as offline installers, as they are (as the name states) being tested by developers before they release it officially. Sometimes those might be locked by a password, since the developers only want a certain group of people to test their builds, other times they are available for the public to gather feedback.

As for the positive reports, we are working to update them as soon as possible.
Thank you for the post/link. This is exactly what I am trying to explain to people. :)