This is the most important game for me, and has shaped my love for fantasy together with The Lord of the Rings and the Dragonlance books. I still remember seeing the frist ads and screenshots in the "Komputer Świat" magazine that sparked my imagination (I didn't even have my own PC until the year 2000). When I actually saw the game in 1999 it was my friends older brother playing it. I instantly knew that this is the game for me and I loved everything about it: the graphics and thier style, the music, the voiceover (Polish), the stone interface, the sketches during the loading, the rich in colour portraits, the overall tone and atmosphere of adventure and wonder. I recall the adventuring party delve into the Nashkel mines not knowing what they might encounter. I have played this game countless times, since there's so many party compositions and options to create your own character. Throughout the years I tried different mods and actually went back to play the original sometime ago - and that's how I like to play this game to this day (even without the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion). Something about experiencing the original feels right, and that's how it was initially released. That is also why it was a really painful moment for me, when the original was removed from GOG and hidden in the bundle with the Enhanced Editions. I don't know if it's possible, but since this is a Dreamlist, my dream is to have the original version restored and added to the GOG's Preservation Program one day.