I had known about this game because I had one game informer magazine at the house and front and center was this game. The cover was so striking. It was either Batman or Killer Croc on the cover. I remember reading the article on it over and over again. The rest of the magazine didn't matter. A game where you could play as Batman? And you can beat people up and you could do stealth? I had to have it.
This was not long after I got my 360 many many moons ago. I had Halo 3 and maybe like two other games. So I went into gamestop, as I often did when I was in the mall as a teenager, and I saw Arkham Asylum and Arkham City in a bundle on the shelf. I had to have it. The price was a steal to be honest. Arkham Asylum and Arkham City with all the dlcs for something like $20. Sign me up!
I remember after coming home, I put the disc in my console and booted the game up. I have a poor memory in regards to most things but I remember this. I remember the opening cutscene as Batman drove Joker to Arkham Asylum. The unsettling intro as Joker taunted Batman as he was being detained. The power going out and Joker escaping. The first fight where Batman effortlessly danced across the arena, beating inmates to a pulp. Right in that moment, I felt vindicated with my purchase.
The unique and flowing combat. The slow paced stealth sections that felt fair and made Batman a terror to gun wielding criminals. The fact that the game could effortlessly switch between these two styles of gameplay and make it feel natural. All the great hallmarks were in the game. The music fit the atmosphere perfectly and the art style was gothic, grungy, noir even as Batman explored the old and decaying courtyard of Arkham Asylum. The story was compelling and had weight. They were not afraid to kill off named characters and it pulled you through the game. I could go on all day about this game and its sequel.