Jesus. I played this game first when I was 12 and I was fascinated by it. My PC was crappy but ran this game smoothly and it looked so awesome, with the dinamic shadows and realistic scenery. The controls and movement took long for me to get used to. It felt very complex to me to do progress. I remember getting stuck in the combat tutorial, and dreading it, because of this.
Maybe some days or weeks later I managed to pass the tutorial and entered Burkitsville, which I love for the very authentic vibe of old rustic relaxed town with a lot of old people with stories and young people that may revitalize the town in different ways. This concept of young vs old blood is also developed in Pathologic and real life.
I dreaded the second day night so so much. It was the day that paralized my progress for maybe weeks, because stuff get nightmarish at night and you need to confront monsters. I will never forget my young self scared and overwhelmed in the hotel room just listening the radio songs oldies to calm myself and carefully think about whether or not head outside. Jesus. I spent hours like this.
I think months later I printed a guide from internet to try solve the puzzles, because I was getting stuck this way as well. It was all about the plan to distract the sherif to head to the forest. The guide is still online and I recommend everyone to check it!! I can't link it but the authors are Linda Shaw, Ozma, and Norma Kuderna. It's from October 3, 2000.
It was thanks to that guide (and the game narrative) that my knowledge in english vocabulary and grammar, plus skills in reading and listening greatly improved, and it gave me momentum to keep developing my potential. I was still very young, and since this game, I became top student for english from this year until graduation, and currently I'm beyond the skills of english teachers. (Studied english pedagogy).
Naturally, Elspeth Holiday is an instant waifu I hope every survival horror fan to experience.