I got this game as a birthday present. Just looking at it gives me a warm feeling, like it's the day I got it. I remember the smell of freshly brewed coffee, the rainy day, and the crooked chocolate cake my aunt made. And I get lost in a sea of memories, where every design of those beautifully characters by Akira transports me to a simpler, happier time.
I discovered it through the anime and just had to play it (I begged my mom to buy it). This was the first JRPG I remember playing and finishing as a kid, and I loved it. I've always wanted to play it properly on another platform, since I no longer have a microsoft console and it's not available on Xbox Cloud Gaming or Game Pass. With the passing of Akira Toriyama, I thought all the works he was involved in would get more attention, but apparently it didn't happen with Blue Dragon, which is a shame because I think the game is a lot of fun. I'd love to see this game revived and be able to play it on pc.