I immediately fell in love with Bubba'n'Stix as soon as I saw its test in Amiga Concept n°2 March 1994. The reviewers talked about the cartoonish graphics and animations, the pictures showed ridiculous looking aliens -the magazine added a "humor" criteria in the review presentation- and the gameplay of the game was praised for the numerous witty ways the little alien could be used to solve puzzles. I loved how Bubba looked liked and I loved the idea of a friendship with a sentient object. I fantasied a lot about getting the game and in 1994 it really wasn't obvious that I was going to find an obscure Amiga 500 game in one of the shops of my remote city. But there was a miracle and one day, my dad accepted to drive me to the "clef de sol" and there it was, proudly standing on a shelf, amongst a few other amiga games. I begged him and he accepted to buy it. 200 francs. Strangely enough, the game was exactly what I expected and wanted it to be. By today standards, it's an excellent puzzle platformer. But it remains my favorite video game of all time.