Here's an Castlevania game that's under the radar for people. I played this master piece through Castlevania Advance Collection. The first of three GBA metroidvania Castlevania games. The only one not developed by Koji Igarashi. This also the only metroidvania Castlevania game to be exclusively in it's own timeline. You play as Nathan Graves whose from an hunter family. No not the Belmonts but their counterpart family in this Castlevania universe. Usually Dracula gets revived near the end of an Castlevania game. Here he's revived right at the start. Death is just an optional boss while Necromancer takes his role as right hand man. This also has my favorite version of Carmilla named Camilla as well. You get to explore Camilla's castle. There's a lot of enemies you won't face in other metroidvania Castlevania games. This also has one of my favorite final bosses within those Castlevania games. I should point a few critical stuff out. Yes you don't get orbs among defeating the bosses. Instead you walk to claim stuff that helps you out. Personally I'm fine with that change. There's virtually no merchants at all. Farming for better items may take longer than normal. There's a particular challenge location that will test how skilled you are at the game. There's a rather complex cards system. A concept simply revamped as souls system in both Aria of Sorrow and it's sequel Dawn of Sorrow done better. Yes there's a notable difficulty to a degree. Despite all of that still a rather fun, unique Castlevania game. I always enjoyed the soundtrack. Some amazing sound effects to a degree. It's mind blowing a lot of people still haven't played this Castlevania game.