I remember browsing Kalahari.com (an old online store similar to Amazon but in RSA), searching for a new game for my Xbox 360. Then, I saw it—a game with the coolest cover. At the time, I was in grade 5 or 6, and something about that knight wielding two blades sparked pure excitement in my brain. I begged my mom to buy it, and—boom—she said yes!
When it finally arrived in the mail, I dove right in. But the game was tough. Really tough. Maybe I was too young to grasp it fully, but no matter how hard I tried, I never got very far. Still, that didn’t stop me from enjoying every second of playing.
It wasn’t until grade 7 that I finally beat the game—for the first time. For two years, I kept coming back to this gem, playing on and off. I’ve beaten every title in the series since, but nothing will ever top the first one. It will always be my number one.