Before Elite Dangerous, there was this game. It had a reputation system based on your kills which increased access to more dangerous areas and more lucrative missions. Starting from the bottommost Harmless, all the way up to Dangerous, then Deadly then Elite. The higher your reputation, the more you would be hunted by others wanting to raise their own reputations. Tempted to try this again just for nostalgia but I honestly don't miss the days when every sound from your game came out of a single pc speaker in some kind of variation of beep or bop. Or monitors back in the day that were all green, or orange. Later upgrading to the amazing EGA, with 16 COLOURS!!! Then VGA, then...I kind of lost track after that. Why do we even need 8K? Was painfully reminded of this trying to replay old Sierra games. There is a reason why remasters are necessary for retro classics like this. I do wish Elite Dangerous was available as a single player offline experience though. Like all online games, it will die with it's server, while this old thing will go on and on. Such a tragedy, really.