Remember I had to upgrade my Amiga to 1GB Ram to play this, the 500 mb module was about £80 and I had to wiggle it to get it to work. Although not worth an 80 quid upgrade the game was pretty funny. The mechanics where are over the place, you had no clue what you where doing and it had big ants. Kinda a dumbed down sim game with FPS elements, various different mini games, and ant management so you can kill them. The scenes where random, so you never really got the same game twice. I think this game came on a bunch of disks that needed to be swapped constantly. The graphics are some of the best of the time and the story is completely bonkers. It feels like your playing a "B" movie. Cinemaware made games with tins if passion and humor. I'm sure tons of people ei will enjoy this very much perhaps as a bundle with WINGS which was also excellent. Crosses fingers.