The game's campaign starts up with a line of dialogue that says, "Hmm...fireworks..." and then proceeds to go on for several more hours of little else besides killing bad guys by shooting red barrels. That's all well and good in and of itself, but it's also got one of the most fun split-screen multiplayer modes ever made. You can play it like a much faster version of Goldeneye by default, but they go nuts with the additional modifiers, and I encourage you to as well! You can swing around maps like Spider-Man using the Q Claw. You can make that even crazier by turning on moon gravity. You can experience sheer terror as you and 3 friends try to take down a single max difficulty level bot. Seriously, this is a game I still break out every couple of years just for another game of deathmatch. To my knowledge, it never got a PC version. If GOG somehow got into the code and added some good online capabilities to that multiplayer, I'd be in heaven.