It is very much a non-traditional LEGO game, but I really love what they managed to create. The environments and characters are nothing short of gorgeous and the game itself runs very well on modest hardware (stable 60FPS on a 1060 6GB). The levels and hubs are beautiful, very fun to explore and full of content and cool encounters (I especially adore Cloud City and Tatooine hubs).
You can see that they took care and not just threw the old formula out of the window - every "breaking" design change I can see being justified within the greater context.
I can understand some of the criticisms of the game - the main chunk of gameplay is exploring hubs and completing challenges/quests and main plot levels aren't really the center stage anymore. It's also fair to not like the new quest system - it was really fun for me, but I can see some people being thrown off. The sheer number of collectibles is also a bit daunting and (despite a lot of fun encounters) you can get bored/burnt out pretty quickly.
I 100%-ed the game in coop and it was insanely fun and rewarding. Note though, that it did take me a lot of time (both in in-game hours and real time) and I can see myself being a bit bored had I not spaced out the gameplay sessions more.
I would love to be able to purchase it on GOG - given the latest track record of older LEGO games coming to GOG it probably won't be anytime soon, but it would be really cool to add it to my GOG LEGO games collection. It's a really cool game, it'd be a shame if it was lost to time.