Story:Stealth, humour and tactical skills - the scene is set for the ultimate showdown between Sam Sheep-dog and a greedy wolf whose only thought is where his next meal is coming from. Take control of Ralph Wolf as he uses his ACME arsenal to solve perplexing platformer puzzles all in the name of stealing a sheep — live on Daffy Duck's new game show: Sheep, Dog, and Wolf.Show more
This was my favorite PSOne Game, I bought it without knowing the kind of game it was but it gave me hours and hours of fun. It is an strategic and puzzle game that demands the bestfrom every player. I was not able to finich it, please bring it back.
I have so many good memories of this game, hopefully they can bring it denuevo for PC. Please guys, make it possible, I know you want it too. Maybe you could bring the whole trilogy of Looney Tunes games to PC