I know what a controversial game to support. Manhunt was unlike anything I played before and after. You take on many gangs brutally finishing them off. We are talking let's take Mortal Kombat fatalities but make em more realistic. You get a surprisingly decent stealth game. Some weapons you won't expect during a first playthrough. You have to do several objectives. Always expect things to suddenly get intense in the levels. This game isn't for anyone with a weak stomach. Manhunt is a game that's more on the lines of Hatred. The brutal finishers are quite disturbing to watch. There's also a challenge mode to test your skills. I will confirm you'll die a lot in this game. It's virtually an Hitman game where you aren't an assassin. At the same time, you do take out a lot of horrible people on the way. In a weird sense, a monster takes out an bigger monster logic. The reality of the situation is you never feel safe. You constantly have to adapt on the fly to survive. Especially the later levels with high difficulty spikes. I can tell you Manhunt is a game that forever changed the world. Why let such a game go into extinction? I do think this game could sell well on GOG despite many being against it's release here.