During my time in school, it was the topic! A hard game, for a mature audience, with bullet-time (like in Matrix) and a hard, dark story. There were even rumours, that the game will be not long available in my country. Of course, my mom bought the game!
I especially like the noir look, the comic cutscenes, the bullet-time and the really heavy atmosphere. Max was out for revenge, he had lost everything. Max was ready to kill and to die!
From my perspective now, it´s simply funny, that Sam Lake hasn´t just „played“ Max Payne. He has also involved his parents! Both are in the game. I heared, his mom is evil, in the game ;)
It would be nice, if there would be a special GoG Edition:
Max Payne 1 + 2 as original version, includling the remakes of both games in one big bundle.