The only Power Rangers game I want on GOG. Easily my favorite among a handful of childhood Power Rangers games. Well both Sega Genesis games to clarify. Some even consider this among the very best Power Rangers games ever made!!! This gives you most from the movie out of all related Power Rangers games. You get a good amount of the story pulled from the movie. You even get parts of Season 2 to a degree. You actually play as every character that was a Power Rangers in the original PR show. You also get zords from Seasons 2 and 3 respectively. Thankfully with the previous PR Genesis game. Season 1 zords are already covered in their own game. This is a surprisingly decent movie game. It still holds up amazingly well. I absolutely love facing Lord Zedd whose the solo hidden boss in the game. This was years before they later ruined the character. This felt like a huge love letter to the franchise. The fact this even out done the SNES PR beat em up games is saying something. Let's be honest this was way better than the movie it's based on. I do think this could sell very well on GOG. Especially if they're a huge PR fan. But surprisingly never gotten to play this before. Well if we get this PR game on here they'll finally have the opportunity to play it. The music is truly fantastic with great sound tracks. The game itself is a huge step up from the previous PR Genesis game in every possible way.