It's the black sheep of the main Motorstorm trilogy, but it absolutely deserves its place in the spotlight, still. Evolution Studios really tried to push the envelope to create a cinematic racer with tracks that have the environment change, creating or closing off paths. There was also the addition of a more story-centric campaign, which... well, good stories in games are hard enough to do without constraining them with a racing game.
It's not all bad, though - the added destruction offered here does create the most frenetic version of Motorstorm ever, which on its own is worth something, The online multiplayer was sophisticated, with perk cards and a TON of unlockable parts (unfortunately the only way to get them, too) for customisation. New vehicle classes also helped people forge their own unique identity on the track. Apocalypse is Motorstorm bouncing off the rev limiter, and while it creates noticeable strain, there's still a lot of fun to be had here.