the other side of the story. the side that never should've existed. but it did, and it is an extremely unique take on the story. father Nier can be argued that he doesn't fit the story whatsoever because this story was made around the brother, and yes you would be right. he feels out of place with the cast especially with Kaine and Emil and considering how old they are, and all the sibling motifs around the game what with Devola and Popola, Gideon and Jakob, etc.
that being said, you cant help but love father Nier, there is something about a man who has been through so much throughout his whole life, his wife gone and only his daughter to protect, the "only sane guy" in his crew so to speak. it's such a unique perspective on the game that i cant help but admire. i still heavily prefer brother Nier for many reasons, but i would love to see this version of the game (and also the PS3 version of RepliCant) on PC as every single version of this masterpiece of a game is worth playing and have their own merits. a slim chance, but i still hope it happens nonetheless.
"It's like I just found something special. Something very special."