by Kalisto Entertainment, Activision, Sony Computer Entertainment
Themes:Action, Horror, Survival
Game modes:Single player
Story:The story behind Nightmare Creatures draws upon gothic horror elements of the 19th century. The story begins in 1666, when a devil-worshipping cult called the Brotherhood of Hecate were conducting sinister experiments in London so as to take over the city and then the world. The Brotherhood tried to develop an elixir that would endow them with superhuman powers. However, rather than creating their intended superhumans, their experiments created only grotesque monsters. When they decided to use these creatures as an army of conquest, one of their number, Samuel Pepys, set their headquarters on fire, resulting in the First Great Fire of London. The game takes place in 1834 when London falls victim to several evil occurrences. Monster sightings are reported along with news of people mutating into ungodly creatures, and that the dead are waking from their graves and walking amongst the living. All of London is in a panic and vulnerable to the schemes of Adam Crowley, a mad scientist and occultist enlisting the help of the Brotherhood.Show more
Nightmare Creatures does deserve to return. I actually been around two versions. I grew up with the PS1 version. Later in life, I gotten the N64 version. Most felt this was the best game in the short lived series. You have two characters to play as. The audio just sticks with you for many years. Yes expect to die a lot as well as get lost. But this game has some nice surprises on the way. You also get some cool death animations for the enemies. My personal favorite being cutting em in half. It's possible Bloodbourne was inspired to a degree by this game. This was more of a sleeper hit on consoles back in the day. I always loved the cover art myself. Nightmare Creatures is a game a lot of people missed out on. But as time goes on, more people wanna play it. Now that alone is enough reason to believe it would sell well on GOG.
The First Game I Played On The Playstation 1. Blew Hours Playing This Game.
great Classic Game. It Deserves To Come Back To PC Platform.Was Alot Of Fun To Play.
I remember playing this game on my PS1 and it gave me some crazy ass nightmares and it was amazing the combat, the items, the story and the atmosphere amazing game and the original motivator for Bloodborne to exist. It totally deserves to be salvagable, and i really wish to be on GOG but on a much more expanded and better optimized pc Port and Launcher.
This title really intrigues me. I remember watching a long you tube video on this game way back talking about all the intricacies of this title and how it stray apart from the horror genre. It's an interesting title that is definitely worth the checkout if your looking for more playstation/n64 horror titles.
Played back in the day when I got my first color computer. As a kid, it scared me a lot, but I learned to love it.
The music, the ambience, and most of all, the combat, made it quite memorable for me.
I remember watching my cousin playing this game as a kid and being absolutely terrified of it. Later in life, I played it and it was still scary and atmospheric. And it's always nice to beat some monsters senseless with a Huge Stick™ Would be nice to have it in my collection running on the modern hardware.
I remember playing demo this game in 1998 as a kid and can't even count how many times I finished it. Nightmare Creatures has really unique art style and dense horror atmosphere but in the same time engaging and widely developed combat system. As you progress new moves are learned and exploration lets you upgrade your weapon for better damage and cutting abilities. I came back to this game as full title around 2010 and almost finished it (last boss smashed me into pieces :P) but nowadays it's not so easy to run it on modern pc. Nightmare Creatures should not only land on GOG shelves finally but also enter preservation program as this game really deserves that!
Oh crap, this was something! I played only a demo on PSX after reading a review in "Secret Service". I remember that the atmosphere of the game was great - foggy London (was it London?) and werewolves jumping out of nowhere impressed me a lot, would love to check it out again!
one of the few "horror" games I actually enjoyed playing as a young kid, the demo was exciting, and the full version was too long and hard for me to finish or any other kid knew playing this game. still didn't loose hope to play it again same graphics and everything on just on modern OS/s. because a remake or remaster with modern graphics wouldn't feels the same to me!!
waiting all week to play it at my friend's place, the fear for the monsters, the really cool ambiance of goth and vampiresque movies, that game was a hot novelty