This game has amazing colorfull character roster, incredible tenacity, revolutionary unique mechanics for the hero shooter genre. It is incredibly fun game which made me play the game for 5+ years and had really awesome unique skins that made me buy each and every one of them 'cuz every one of them felt like different character instead...
You won't find anything like Paladins... It is just a victim of bad management, would've been destroyed the Overwatch if the management is not terrible... Suffered from bugs, bad decisions and lack of communication... Hi Rez made it, made it great, ruined in the childhood and didn't let it grow it's potential and now throwing it to trashcan...
This game needs to be must preserved... My best memory of the game you ask... I met my current best friend in this game... We made ourselves a name, become secret justice for the game, let the devs know whats going on, worked behind the curtains to pluck the weeds etc... We were notorious in the game, carry duo... Bane of trolls, racist busters etc... We uncovered so many top player secret cheaters, made some of them banned, truly shocked the community etc... Even the community was incredibly toxic to us, we didn't cared... Never felt like anyone owns us anything 'cuz all we wanted was a good enviroment for us and for the people like us... That is how special this game for us...
This game is worth fighting for... So go for it! Fight for it's preservation again!
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Almalexion (a.k.a GraphicWolf) the oldest player in Paladins...