The locking of balls for multiball and warp to other tables from the main table and then back the main table when you lost the ball.
The minigames on the pinball display, it was just pure fun and a lot of content.
At some points better then a real table with the warping since that cant be achived IRL.
This fellt like the technology of programing, processorpower and and amount of memory finally was able to make the best of the computer as a arcade pinball machine, and simple being a steping stone from the great dreams/mania/fantasies/illusions/epic pinball games that came before it, justa natural progression.
For me the pinball dreams I & II, pinball mania, pinball fantasies, pinball illusions, epic pinball and psycho pinball was the best arcade sim games of my youth, never owned one of them, always had to play at friends that had amiga 500, now thanks to you at GOG i have all but the last one on the list.