Did I ever fall in love with this game as a teenager. The story is basically the same as RAMA II by Gentry Lee (NOT Arthur C. Clarke!), The game is better because the player explores the ship... instead of following a bunch of pathetic characters and their petty personal dramas.
The puzzles are all inventory and logic. I remember the math machine puzzles. Oh God do I remember them! There's a section that teaches you how two alien number systems work, challenging you to solve basic arithmetic in base-8 and base-16.
I stayed up late at night figuring out these number systems by hand, created my own method of counting like an alien and how each number would be represented, and I won! I got through every single one of those puzzles and I was proud!
...until I later read the "alien" number systems were actually hexadecimal and octal, and all I had to do was write down the equations and go to Windows' scientific calculator. I am still proud I figured it out by hand.
Alas RAMA has a critical flaw: the last 25% is on a time limit! If you don't set everything up right from the start, odds are you will save your game in an unwinnable state. I actually had to go through the game twice before I was able to reach the end scene with enough time to disarm the bomb. It's impossible to enjoy the wonder of exploring this alien environment with a ticking clock telling you to hurry up, and this keeps the game from being great.
In spite of this flaw, it's still a good game. Logical puzzles, mysterious environment to explore, awe-inspiring visuals and very cool aliens. The hall of Avians is humbling and made me feel honored to be there. It deserves a rerelease.