I know what a rather ambitious compilation game to bring here. I strongly felt if it's possible to do so. Rare Replay going to be a huge seller here. You got a decent lineup of games with every DLCs included. Sure they have to figure how to get the games you install separately originally to work. This is packed with content with a lot of it locked. You got to play this compilation hard to unlock a lot of stuff. Up to N64 games, you get some expected compilation features. It's not perfect but still works enough to help things a bit. There's a lot of challenges you can do. There's a few games with online multiplayer. There's such a huge variety of game play to keep things interesting for a few years. Sure some of the later games lag a bit. Most of the compilation game quite huge in size as well. In it's defense, still among the most impressive compilation games I ever played. They pulled games from ZX Spectrum, Arcade, NES, N64, Xbox original and Xbox 360 respectively. I would even argue the greatest Rare game I ever played!!! I also gotta mention the opening cut scene. A true timeless classic intro that perfectly describes what you're in for. As of a few years ago, digitally they added in GoldenEye. There was proof they originally planned to include it into the compilation but plans were scrapped. This is full blown fan service. I respected them going for Conker's Bad Fur Day over it's Xbox remake. It's such an impressive compilation game it deserves to be saved.