Story:As the power of the samurai class fades, Japan turns to the ninja to uphold political power during chaotic times. One such ninja, Kurenai, lives to avenge her father's death and will go to any means necessary to destroy the Black Lizard Clan. Kurenai is a master of the tetsugen, a wire weapon that can cut off an enemy's head or hang them from a tree, depending on the end attachments used and the length and strength of the weapon's wire. Aggressively employing such tactics as wearing disguises, using womanly wiles, and controlling Ninjutsu powers will help you to escape enemies.Show more
Really cool game with unique things to offer that sadly didn't get the credit or attention it deserved in 2005. Would be great to see it get a second chance. If you'd like to learn a bit more about it, look up the Youtube video "The WORST* Ninja Game" by KBash. Hint: it's not actually the worst.
A neat but flawed ninja game that was "We have tenchu at home" hard but not for the best of reasons it was a big game from a new company made of small timers Senran Kagura's Kenichiro Takaki got his start on this game as well and I think it plays into what he wanted Senran Kagura to be sexy but dark and sad. A pc port could help in fixing some control issues as well as include the Japanese dub from the rare japan verison of the game.
In a time when stealth action games are a rarity, bringing this game back would be an enormous favor to the people who enjoy them. Red Ninja includes clever level design, a good length and interesting combat mechanics. The use of the wire as a weapon and its variations via equipment, in particular, is something that hasn't been done since. There are other interesting gameplay mechanics as well. Please bring this game back.
I love the main character design here. It's one of the ninja stealth games where you fight with sharp wire weapon and seduce your enemies that makes it unique for me. And this is one of the few games where your only main character is a kunoichi throughout the game. Good stage design and boss battles 👍
I know it's impossible due to ActiBlizz and also, being a console game without port, just want to say, this game deserves a second chance, it had gnarly cool mechanics, and sure, had its hiccups, but it's a great game.
I've always wanted to play this game, but never had the opportunity to find it in any retail stores. Giving it a second chance via GOG would be a great opportunity to finally play it and experience the game that's gotten so many great reviews.
Oh man, it so cool game. The design, the art, the character, just one post on the internet and thousands of people remembered how good it was.
This needs to be republished so more people can enjoy it.
I'd missed this as a kid because one of the publications I'd read said it was a bad game. Years later I play it at a buddy's house and it's pretty great, especially for the time. I'd like to see it come around again and with the JP voices possible. Probably a pipe dream but I'd still like to see it get some love.
I bought this game back when I was a wee lad but was unable to play it because my PS2 was PAL and the disc was NTSC. I still think about the game to this day and would like to play it on the PC. I just thought it was one of the games I will never had the pleasure of enjoying until I saw the designer on twitter.
my biggest regret is not playing this back then.
if this can make it onto GoG i'll rectify my mistake from back then.
thank you GoG for giving this a chance again.