I actually got plenty to say about both these amazing Resident Evil games. Resident Evil 7 is packed with content including DLCs. The same also can be said for Resident Evil Village. Resident Evil 7 brought the main series back to horror. To me Resident Evil Village felt like another version of RE4. I also could've said it was Capcom making an Castlevania game. You really get your money's worth with these RE games. You get more than enough content to keep you busy for months possibly years. In every possible way both of them are absolutely fantastic survival horror games. There's no question any deal they're in, these would sell well. I won't be surprise this particular deal with both of them having everything sells the most. Especially considering Resident Evil's reputation. If you're a huge RE fan you needs these games. Not only that they are different enough to count as different RE games. It's mind blowing how great of a deal this truly is.