Aaa- 😩
so! 😏 finally! 🙂 you've come! 🙂 I 😐 hadn't 🥴 pictured you like this. 🤨But,
ooh well, 🥴 I suppose, 🤔 that eeeeven 😯 in DEATH, 😲 WARRIORS 😡 AND MIIIIINERS 🤬 don't
mix. 😌 But I prefer 😒you-to-a 🥹 VALKYRIE! 🤯 I am 🙂 pleaaased. 🫠 Hurry 😗 up! 😚
I think he takes you for death itself! 👵
Poor idiot! 🧐 I'd be only too
happy to be his death, if it helped my cause. 🧐
Liar!! 👧
It won't take long. 🧐 A few questions, at the most. 🧐
For pity's sake, 😩 no riddles! 😓 I've been 🥴 CRAWLING AROUND THIS CAGE 🤬 for
weeks 🥹 now. 🤨 So spaaare me 😅 you little guessing games, 🤬 Just take me 😣 AWAY! 🤪
I'll grant your wish. 🧐 But first, you must help me! 🧐
I haven't come just for you. 🧐 I must destroy Albereerh, 🧐 your torturer. 🧐
Oh! 😲 God of Gods! 🥹 Thank you! 🤓 And so, 🙂 FOR US 😐 we revolutionarieees, 🫡 does 🤔 death 😑 advance
🤠 by leaning 🤔 on the arm of 😬 JUS TICE? 🤪 I'll help you, 🤭 deadly SPIRIT! 😝 with 🙂 ZEAL
🤪 and with 🤨 JOY! 😱 But in return 😏 ssSSWEAR 🤬 that you'll give me 😤 the gift of 😡 sleep. 🥹
I swear it. 🧐 Why does Albereerh needs Chrysoberhyl, so? 🧐
That 😯 mmMMONSTER! 😨 that 😣 TURNCOAT! 😖 He has managed 🤖 to
create 🤓 a 😳 philoshopher's egg. 😰 Any metal 🤓 which
is 😟 PLUNGED 😤 INTO IT 😡 turns to 😐 goooold! 🥹 But the egg, 😨 must be 🙄 completely covered
with 😡 Chrysoberyl 🤬 for this to happen. 🤓 Now! 😌 The stone 🥴 concentraAaAtes 🤪 energeeee
🇫🇷🗿 and makes 🙃 anything enveloped 🤨 in its 😒 SHARDS 😲 indistructable. 🥺
The egg ☹ accomplishes the 😟 miracle! 🥹 HOWEVER! 🤓 each 😌 magical 😡 OPERATION 🤬 wears
out 😖 the eggs 😐 prrrrrecious 🤪 shell! 🤓 That is why, 🤬 Alberish 👿 makes the
Nibelungen 😡 DIG UNCEASINGLY! 🤬 It is a rare gem indeed. 🥹 What hope can there be 😣 in a
world 🙂 where dwarves 🤔 send other dwarves 😐 into the mines 🥴 for a 🤪 little metal? 🥺
Tell me again, 🧐 What must I do to reach Albereerh? 🧐
You have a 🤓 DAUNTI