Master RallyeGet ready to go off-road way off-road. The race to end all races, MASTER RALLYE puts your skills and endurance to the test sending you off on a 5,000-kilometer journey. The rough terrain is only the beginning of your worries, as the blistering heat, tough competition, and near-impossible navigation of the title's expansive environments will all try to ruin you. Its action based on the real Master Rallye, the game takes place on a stretch of land that spans Paris to Istanbul, all of which is detailed in full 3D. Priding itself on state-of-the-art vehicle models, MASTER RALLYE is packed with obstacles and hidden bonuses throughout. As would be the case in real life, drivers must parlay quick reflexes and immediate, sharp tactics with a more advanced understanding of strategy, patience, and opponent psychology. Originally released on the PC, the game is the perfect fit for the memory-intensive PlayStation 2 console, and features white-knuckle two-player action.