Story:In a world destroyed by pollution, nuclear war and poverty, vacationers have become hot property. They feel the need to escape from their everyday existence and go on vacations! Big Daddy is the vacation king at the moment, and he's provided some really fabulous getaways for these people. But who's going to get paid for taking the vacationers to luxurious landmarks and resorts? Well, you are!
The "not-right" folks at Singletrac are at it again with Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012, the "spiritual successor" to Twisted Metal 2. In it, you chose one of 16 wacky, down-right sick "automercenaries" and compete with your enemies to pick up the tourists and take them to photo-ops. Doing this gets you lots of money, which can be used buy weapon upgrades and health. But your enemies really don't want you to have the money -- and they shoot back.Show more
An underrated classic by the developers of the original two Twisted Metal games with a killer ska soundtrack (This was released in '98 after all), wild comic book like characters, and you get to play as either a murderous butcher in a weiner mobile or a Elvis impersonator!