The two best video games I have ever experienced, though the term "video game" doesn't really do them justice. The Shenmue saga is interactive art at its best. The combination of grounded in-game environments, gameplay that changes to suit each particular moment in the story, one of the most beautiful soundtracks for anything ever made, and the general absence of objective markers and checklists and such make Shenmue I & II transcendent experiences that bridge the gap between player and protagonist and take both on an epic journey of self-discovery. Nothing else has ever come close to this. More people need to experience Shenmue for themselves and Shenmue I & II is the best place for them to start. Shenmue III is already on GOG, but to fully appreciate the third entry, you must experience the first two. SEGA dropped the ball by leaving the first game on the commercially unsuccessful Dreamcast from 1999 until 2018. If they'd ported it to PS2 in 2000 or 2001, they'd have easily made a profit, but we all know what SEGA is like when it comes to making decisions, don't we? The more places Shenmue I & II are available for purchase, the better.