Story:Silent Hill: Downpour is the eighth Silent Hill video game installment and the last fully-released video game in the series. Just like its predecessors, Downpour combines exploring abandoned surroundings, talking to characters, and solving puzzles, set against a slow, psychological horror theme. Different from the previous game Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is the return of combat. The player often has to fight off monsters using a variety of weapons, but he can carry only one melee and one ranged weapon who can deteriorate over time. Entirely new to the series is the introduction of a weather system: there is a full day and night cycle and rain often warns the player of danger that is approaching. It is possible to hide until the weather becomes better again.Show more
I played Silent Hill Downpour many years ago, it was one of the first games in the franchise that I played on my Xbox 360, I loved it, its story is its strongest point and I think bringing it back would be wonderful.
Ich hab es damals auf der PS3 gezockt und würde es lieben auf den Pc auch zocken zu können!
Da ich es leider momentan nicht mehr auf meiner alten PS3 zocken kann und es bestimmt auf dem Pc gut aussehen würde z.B. mit besser Grafik und Performanz