You would think that there would've been, between the success of stuff like Mission: Impossible and James Bond, an absolute glut of espionage-driven spy games, but that hasn't quite been the case! Spy Fiction was janky, as others are saying, but I haven't yet found a game that has tried quite as hard to replicate the spy experience. You sneak around, you carry out missions, use fun gadgets to accomplish said missions - and the big feature: you can disguise yourself as nearly any character in the game. This was such a fun thing to play around with, and makes for some really cool situations. It also adds a bit of replayability, since, of the two playable characters, only one can disguise herself as male and female NPCs, while the other can only disguise himself as male characters. This means some parts of some missions will have to be approached differently, depending on who you're playing. If you've ever played Deadly Premonition, you'll know what you're up against since this is the same director and developer. And this certainly feels like a blend of MGS + Deadly Premonition + and that old Mission: Impossible game for the N64! Wish this had gotten a remaster or a rerelease in the same way Deadly Premonition did, but I would be thrilled if a straight PC port emerged, courtesy of GOG!