Story:In this next generation role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey to answer humanity’s greatest mystery.
Waiting to buy and play this on GOG. About the only platform where I can purchase and mod it to my heart's content although I do understand it will take some time to come here. Was thinking of getting this off the Windows Store until I found out you cannot mod games purchased there. Steam requires having to log in regularly and forces updates.
I know the game isn't as good as people would love it to be. I would still love to get it and play to completion more than once, well when I manage to get a new PC that is.
Still, I will never buy this game unless it arrives here DRM free.
This would be the perfect game for GOG. I already own it on the Xbox series X, but like many others, it would be an immediate buy here like all the other Bethesda games.
I have almost 2000 hours in my stream version. One thing I'm passionate about is actually owning my games. I literally took a week off from work to play this game when it came out.