Here too, hours spent creating tracks with all we could add, many times not even fun to drive but the joy of creating them was all we looked for. Going at ludicrous speed with a Formula-1-like racing car over corkscrews and jumps, trying to make the car loose grip just that much so to trigger a bug that would set the car to maximum speed no matter the terrain (and then don't even try to steer), hitting that narrow spot where a bug would make you go straight across a corkscrew, and sometimes on a impact at maximum speed seeing the car rocket straight to the sky (and saving the recording of that stunt). Plus the fun of driving on my friends' tracks and sometimes even beating their records. After this game, I have looked for years and years for another with an integrated editor. Until I stopped looking — I am not aware of any still.
Oh, and a couple of times I almost got violent with Skid Vicious hitting my car from behind ("I own the road" my...). Makes me think, I was playing a lot of games from Brødebund at that time (Prince of Persia, Lode Runner, and this).