I used to absolutely LOVE these games! Right around the time i turned 12 or 13, somewhere in there, my dad took me to see the The Chronicles of Riddick. I not only sparked my love for this universe, but lead me to Butcher Bay on the original xbox. Phenomenal stealth/action/fighter with great voice acting, fun combat, and Vin Diesel himself reprising the role of Riddick. Fast forward a few years and I was able to get my first pc with a dedicated GPU. One of the FIRST game i bought on disc was Assault on dark Athena, bundled with the aforementioned BB. I can not tell you the countless hours i poured into the two, upgrading my pc on several occasions just to get it to look better ahahaha. I cant tell you either, the amount of joy, gratitude, and damn near love i have for GoG for doing what you do... If this happens to make it to the store, you've got a guaranteed customer right here!