Man, 2004 Escape from Butcher Bay has been and always will be since I got a physical copy back in 00-era, my most exhaustively played game of all time. Down to each and every single little guard detail to even the cigarettes boxes or "Smokes" as the in-universe qwerk.
This game was my semblance of pure upended escapism. Quite literally, I will regularly escape onto this universe's setting, back in the day when VAs were more than just their known movie/TV show set piece man what an adventure; the gritty unforgiving style for a prison themed journey and it was a good movie/game tie in clause sort of game... After Starbreeze got kicked around by the worst publisher, ... the fact that the remasters were on steam but then later delisted cuz "CEO thinks bottom line is at risk" nonsense!
GoG for one final say and/or saving grace I beg of you... please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, RESTORE THIS GEM OF A GAME. It sadly cannot be played anywhere else my physical Xbox copy is too scratched up, and while I do have a PC copy I just wish its two major oversights were cleaned up. Really, the 04 game is great as I miss the original music score and ambiance and prefer it over the remaster and truth be told? This wouldn't be difficult to have it's problems addressed... just: 1. the mouse centering issue and 2. 60 hz wonky physics and frame rate via an Nvidia inspector tweak and that's it.