The game of my childhood, which I got along with one Czech gaming magazine from my dad. It was my very first exposure to the post-apocalypse genre and it was a pretty damn good one. The metal menu song from Darkseed, the cloaked hero with Uzi, stealing, drugs, wide range of modern weapons, the barter trading, the clans and gangs of wastelands, hunting of wild game, rusty cars, lack of fuel and ammo, big world with many memorable locations... it all created a powerful atmosphere that made me fall in love with post-apo as a whole.
If the game is played through normally without tutorials and with a few side-quests, it comes out to quite a long play time. Plus the quests tend to be very creative. It has an interesting combat system, which makes me come back to this forgotten German creation once in a while. It is real-time tactics system with active pause, set in a squad RPG. The only thing this system reminds me of in feeling is the space FTL, which I also like. In my opinion it has much better gameplay flow than turn-based strategy because you don't have to take the uninteresting parts of fight slowly. There aren't RTT squad RPGs on the market, but there is a flood of TBS squad RPGs.
I've played it many times and still have a strong sense of nostalgia for it. It may be unpolished in some places but the characters, locations, music, plot-twists and creative quests, interesting mechanics and overall atmosphere makes this a quality post-apo game that definitely deserves its place on GOG