I grew up with both Vectorman games on Sega Genesis. Often compared to Donkey Kong Country on SNES. Mostly due to being 2D platformers with some 3D models. But Vectorman actually more of a run & gun style platformer. They were quite creative with the presentation. Instead of the usual Sega logo then the game loads. It stops to allow you to play around the Sega logo with some secrets. It's a rather decent game with an amazing soundtrack. Fantastic sound effects despite the audio chip for the system not great. Vectorman had some mind blowing animations. A good variety of stages to keep things interesting. The same company made two decent Jurassic Park games on the same system. Which you can currently get through Jurassic Park Classic Games Collection. Vectorman does have a learning curve. Some amazing power ups to help through out the stages. It was released late into the Genesis run. I still felt among the best Genesis games of it's year. Vectorman isn't quite Mega Man but more of his own thing. I always remembered the cover for a long time. This was an ambitious Genesis game that held up amazingly well.