Having read about the game being a ELITE trader style i recall buying the big box version & that it needed a manual download "day-one" patch to genuinely work. The game turned out to be less about trading & instead management ship, crew, hiring for crew & onboard brothel, flying from planet to planet, avoiding pirates, while exposing the alien planets to your brothel-thempark. Im trying desperately to remember how space combat was but it was probably badly implemented so i either chose to avoid it .. or perhaps it was just a random encounter? Cant seem to find a Youtube video online & probably because people trying the game either dont know about the importent patch(es) or the patches are gone & so everyone is stuck in the intro "escape the planet" sequence & hasnt actually entered the real game because they simply cant. No doubt this game wont win any awards for brilliant new ideas & probably a fairly bugged game as well, infact it reminds me a fair bit of Cosmonautica where there is quite some fun to be had, but the "end game" & space combat/balancing is kinda unfinished. i do recall the game being a fair bit more casual than Cosmonautica thou. And a fair bit more adult of cause, still most of the "adult entertainment" is actually really small as you are kinda mapping out/placing down/manage your adult red room squares in a simplified themepark kinda style. Probably are some adult cutscenes playing at stages in the game but i really cant remember them. Fairly "grindy" gameplay but that is common with this kind of game. Pretty big game spanning 6 cds so a lot of time & efford clearly went into making it from what i can imagine a quite small team of devs trying to program a too big task. Doubt this will ever become a big seller & it probably hasnt aged well either. But it felt like a lot of heart went into making it. Would be a shame to see it vanish into the the black void of forgotten space.