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V4skunk: Download the latest gpu drivers.
So many low iqs have not even bothered to do it.
Also edit the memory pool budget in C:/2077/engine/config/
Change it to 3/4 of your system RAM and what ever your gpu VRAM is. It might help.
nVidia drivers are constant work. They fix one problem but create another. "newest is bestest" is rarely true. If you have a version that works for your setup - don't **** with it.
V4skunk: Download the latest gpu drivers.
So many low iqs have not even bothered to do it.
Also edit the memory pool budget in C:/2077/engine/config/
Change it to 3/4 of your system RAM and what ever your gpu VRAM is. It might help.
agent_l: nVidia drivers are constant work. They fix one problem but create another. "newest is bestest" is rarely true. If you have a version that works for your setup - don't **** with it.
And never use that Geforce Experience it's borderline malware and user tracking for Nvidia Marketing akin to redshell.
REG2012: 10 series is outdated. Upgrade or keep whinging about your precious graphics card. You people need to stop posting all these bullshit topics whining about how your system is not up to scratch. It's a waste of time to clog the forum with such trash.
I'm sick of these people that expect to run modern AAA games on their shitty four year old cards lol. Even mine is outdated and it's a 2080. Do I complain? No. Because I know to run the game at absolute maximum I will have to wait until the next gen (the 4000 series). Until then I accept that I have to sacrifice some visual quality for performance.
A 1080 is about the same as a 2080 you low iq sausage.
REG2012: 10 series is outdated. Upgrade or keep whinging about your precious graphics card. You people need to stop posting all these bullshit topics whining about how your system is not up to scratch. It's a waste of time to clog the forum with such trash.
I'm sick of these people that expect to run modern AAA games on their shitty four year old cards lol. Even mine is outdated and it's a 2080. Do I complain? No. Because I know to run the game at absolute maximum I will have to wait until the next gen (the 4000 series). Until then I accept that I have to sacrifice some visual quality for performance.
V4skunk: A 1080 is about the same as a 2080 you low iq sausage.
No. A 1080 series is not 'about the same' as a 2080 series card. Put down the crack pipe.
on my radeon VII (1080ti 2080 equivalent more or less) the game was working pretty fine at 1440p medium, even playable at 2160p medium with fidelity cas enabled ...

i upgraded to a 6800xt (not for this f... game happily) and now i don't even get 20 fps in 1080p whatever the settings ... gpu usage not above 7% ... what about that ...
this is totally due to this pre alpha game (hope you didn't pay 60$ for that) as i read the problem happening to lot of people on lot of different configurations
V4skunk: A 1080 is about the same as a 2080 you low iq sausage.
elussya: No. A 1080 series is not 'about the same' as a 2080 series card. Put down the crack pipe.
I have had my 1080ti (not overclocked) for a couple of years, and every game I have played (both at 1440 and 4k) has run about the same as all the youtube and written reviews for both the 2080 and the 2080ti. From my experience, it is about the same. The 2080ti does get more FPS, but it is usually only 5-10 at 4k and maybe up to 20 more 1440p. At 1440 I am usually getting around 100fps so I doubt I would notice any difference.

At 1080p perhaps there is a discernible difference during gameplay, but when I have played both older and "brand new" games at 2k and 4k, there was very little (or none if the game was mroe CPU bound) for me.

I suspect it depends on each persons experience, the games they played, the system they use/used, and their system/game settings. For me, it was about the same.
V4skunk: A 1080 is about the same as a 2080 you low iq sausage.
elussya: No. A 1080 series is not 'about the same' as a 2080 series card. Put down the crack pipe.
When RTX is not on it is and most games are not RTX inclusive.