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2K CEOs should be buried under a big pile of junk-filled boxes.
I'll just leave this here.
Woohoo! Go Belgium!

Now, can the rest of Europe please follow in their lead?
pkk234: .
Quick question, made simply because of your location. I've seen another thread blame lootboxes on the gacha craze. I disagree. But it made me wonder. Is there any public outcry at all over how exploitative the gacha mobile games are over there? The general impression I get is that no one condemns publishers for using every dirty trck in the book, and if you want to give them your money it's your own fault. I just find this apparent apathy and conformism kind of telling of the japanese culture as a whole.

pkk234: We should offer them support loot boxes.
They pay us money, we may or may not support em.
Give this man an internet!

Lone_Scout: 2K CEOs should be buried under a big pile of junk-filled boxes.
You mean like this?
Post edited September 06, 2018 by j0ekerr
So according to the destructoid article they admit that they add boring and unengaging sections to their game because they don't want us to have everything at once, but since people don't have the patience they add in micro transactions to make the experience more enjoyable. So the unfortunate reality of gaming that the title references is that part of their business plan is they screw us over.

I love when it's this easy to see all the bullshit through the lawyer speak.