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Because I am a PC gamer, I have been unable to get to know many of the major game series.

I have been a PC gamer since the beginning. I do own a PS3, which I even sometimes play on. I actually finished RDR1 on said PS3 a couple of months ago. I also have a PSP. As a kid, I used to play on my brother's PS1.

However, overall, I have always been a PC gamer, and I have not bought any console since the PS3. Moreover, I have never owned a console made by Microsoft, Sega, Nintendo etc.

Because of that, I haven't played many of the major game series. For example, I have never played Mario. You see all those Americans on Reddit or wherever reference Mario, Luigi etc. but I have never had any sort of opportunity to play those titles, simply because they are not legally available on my chosen platform.

I have to say, this is kind of strange, because I am being left out because of my platform choice

I wonder, has anybody experienced this? Being left out of the loop because of being a PC gamer? Has anybody else not played Mario etc. because it's not on PC?

EDIT: Minor typo corrections
Post edited April 03, 2023 by TheNamelessOne_PL
One word: Emulators. You can play pretty much anything on a PC these days if you want to. The legality of obtaining the ROMs/images of games is... "questionable" at best, but not really that difficult to find and you can find emulators for pretty much any platform.
Mario games have been total crap since after the SNES. And Super Mario Bros 1 for NES has terrible play control that makes it a bad game (despite it having been massively popular at the time when it came out), You're not really missing much by not playing Mario, OP.
Unfortunately, until Nintendo gets it's head out of it's a** and starts porting their titles to PC, the only way you'll be able to play them is either through emulation, or by forking over hundreds of dollars for their consoles.

I understand the feeling, because Nintendo's games are some of, if not THE best games in the entire industry. All PC gamers seem to get are hand-me-downs from PlayStation and Xbox, with none of the creativity and fun gameplay of older PC exclusives. Gaming as a whole is on a steep decline, I basically just stick with the classics and the odd indie releases here and there.
PC is actually in a much better place now than it was around 2009. Back then there were many 3rd party games that only released on consoles. Now nearly every 3rd party game comes to PC and even Sony and Microsoft started treating PC as some kind of a neutral zone.

Yes, Nintendo still doesn't like to play ball, but if you really want their games then either buy a switch, or buy a switch cartridge and then emulate. Nintendo may still call foul, but at that point you will not be doing anything wrong.

I personally never cared for Nintendo's games, except for Eternal Darkness, but any potato can emulate it these days. It will also run and look much better than it would on an actual GameCube.
Oh ffs!
You can search this.
You also claim to own a PS3.
Thread unredeemable!
That's fine, console gamers will never know the glory of Planescape: Torment themselves.

I mean, it's on consoles, but I doubt anyone's going to play it.

(I say as I own it on my Xbox and played an hour of it. Maybe I'll get it on GOG since it's five bucks right now.)
I mean unless you're using gaming to keep up with friends does it really matter? Now more than ever who really cares what the general public enjoys? There's nothing good exclusively on consoles these days save for Nintendo, and they honestly don't put out that much new and interesting anymore.
certainly there's a lot of series ivr missed, but i still hope some ps exlusives to pc (ratchet and clank, jak and daxter etc.)

Good thing emulators exist
Just watch the movie :D
Console to PC ports are notoriously bad.
I'm a long-time console player who got into PC rather late. Thus, I'm unfamiliar with many of the older PC titles. As I got older, I have less of a desire to keep with video games like I used to, PC or console. Nowadays, I mainly focus on genres I enjoy the most, without much concern about what other people like.
TheNamelessOne_PL: I have to say, this is kind of strange, because I am being left out because of my platform choice
You are not "left out" - you made a decision.
Had you made a different decision, you would not feel "left out".
As long as you enjoy gaming on PC and find games you like to play on it, it's fine, you don't have to play all games that peoples like, i'm also playing only on PC and there is a few games i'd like to play but there is also a lot of great PC games only and i always find something intersting to play or replay.
Every system has it's exclusives.

The only way not to miss out is to buy all consoles, homecomputers and PCs.

But there are a lot more PC games that never made it to a certain console than the other way around, starting with a bunch of Real Time Strategy games, old adventures. Some of them might have made it to home computer systems, but most of them are not available on consoles at all.
Only when modern handhelds hit the market, more games designed for PC made it there,

Immagine a Monkey Island ported to Play Station portable at that time - not gonna happen (and didn't).
Switch and similar handhelds are a good bridge between the two worlds.
Post edited April 03, 2023 by neumi5694