Plok_HR: See most other posts in this thread.
MaxFulvus: I did, that's why I said it's unclear !
NO it's NOT UP TO DATE. Clear now? :-)
Plok_HR: A naming error. Uploaded on 2020-03-20.
v1.11 on the more popular store (hello GOG mods) was pushed on 2022-02-18, and an additional hotfix on 2022-02-22.
Puntolory: Would it be possible to contact the original developers and let them know? Maybe if the devs show up to them with the new build ready to be pushed maybe that'll get GOG to recognize the issue more quickly.
I'm not hopeful, but maybe it's worth a try.
I did in their Discord, they ignored it, claiming it would be up to date - which i even showed per in-game screenshot, isn't the case.
Fey_spirit: Just downloaded game and 1.10>1.11 patch.
Installed game, but patch refused to install as it claims to be already applied.
Checking again received exe file, it looks like store
says version is 1.10.b, but downloaded exe file is actually named setup_vambrace_cold_soul_
Exactly, setup was given the wrong name. It's version 1.10b not the 1.11 Steam version.
Fey_spirit: Just downloaded game and 1.10>1.11 patch.
Installed game, but patch refused to install as it claims to be already applied.
Checking again received exe file, it looks like store
says version is 1.10.b, but downloaded exe file is actually named setup_vambrace_cold_soul_
ludio ludius ludos: Thanks for checking.
So to clarify for dummies like me, this means that it should be the lastest version, right?
No it's not :-)